Learning at CIS

# Reference: this excerpt is based on the “Leading the learning” committee meetings that explored and defined what is high quality learning and teaching and how it could guide CIS in their next steps: This happened over the academic year 2023-2024 

Outcome: To develop a definition of high-quality learning to guide our school’s pedagogical approach. 

Quotes and references: Alberta and the IB 

The Teaching Quality Standard states: “Quality teaching occurs when the teacher’s ongoing analysis of the context, and the teacher’s decisions about which pedagogical knowledge and abilities to apply, result in optimum learning for all students.” Alberta Education’s TQS

IB learners strive to become inquirers, knowledgeable thinkers, communicators, principled, open- minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced and reflective. These attributes represent a broad range of human capacities and responsibilities that go beyond intellectual development and academic success.

IB philosophy 

  • centres on learners
  • develops effective approaches to teaching and learning
  • works within global contexts, helping students understand different languages and cultures
  • explores significant content, developing disciplinary and interdisciplinary understanding that meets rigorous international standards.

An IB education aims to transform students and schools as they learn, through dynamic cycles of inquiry, action and reflection.  Teachers enable and support students as they develop the approaches to learning they need – for both academic and personal success.

At CIS we provide a transformative educational experience that empowers students to become global citizens. Our robust Canadian curriculum, combined with the internationally-recognized IB framework, equips students with the tools and transferable skills they need to succeed both academically and in life. By centering learning around real-world challenges and opportunities, we cultivate critical thinking, problem-solving, and innovative mindsets. Our safe, supportive community fosters independence and international-mindedness, preparing students to thrive in an interconnected world.

What are our essential program goals?

Our overarching goal is to empower students to become knowledgeable, caring, and globally-minded individuals who can make meaningful contributions to their communities and the world. Guided by the International Baccalaureate framework and the Alberta curriculum, we cultivate a well-rounded education focused on developing students' academic knowledge, character, and essential life skills. This includes fostering international-mindedness, strong literacy and numeracy, approaches to learning (e.g. critical thinking, problem-solving, research), and the ability to take meaningful action and advocate for positive change.

What key ideas, values and concepts are embedded in our guiding statements and selected curriculum?

At CIS, we are guided by a set of core values that aim to develop principled, caring, and globally-minded citizens. These values, which are embedded throughout our curriculum and school culture, teach students to foster integrity, empathy, and a commitment to making positive change in their local and global communities. Our approach to teaching and learning is grounded in developing well-rounded individuals, equipping students with not just academic knowledge, but also essential life skills and personal attributes, such as collaboration, critical thinking, problem-solving, effective communication, and a reflective mindset. Through authentic, cross-curricular learning experiences, we strive to create a collaborative, supportive environment that nurtures the cognitive, affective, and social development of each student, preparing them to thrive as engaged, ethical, and adaptable global citizens.