
CIS is a privately owned school governed by a Board of Directors. The Board is composed of educators and business persons. It provides strategic support to ensure the ongoing strength and stability of the school. A leadership team led by the Head of School manages academic programming and the daily operations of CIS.

Board of Directors 

The Board of Directors of CIS is responsible for approving the school’s direction. The Board adopts realistic and appropriate strategic plans that are underpinned by financial planning and are focused on educational improvement. It guards the financial, educational, safeguarding and employment health of CIS. The Board represents CIS in the wider community. It takes a long-term perspective and relies on the Head of School to provide it with timely, detailed reports and proposals for school improvement, including as it relates to learning, well-being, global citizenship and the school’s culture. The Board’s decision-making is aligned with the Council of International School’s Code of Ethics. 

The Board of Directors includes: Dr. Lina Lim, Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer; Mr. Enghuy Ang, Board Member and Chief Financial Officer; Dr. Howard Stribbell, Board Member and School Supervisor; Mr. John Crawford, Board Member; Ms. Donna Trafford, Board Member; and Dr. Kieth Rethy Chhem, Board Member. 

Leadership Team

Reporting to the Boad of Directors, the Head of School supervises the leadership team at CIS. [more]

The Leadership Team includes: Ms. Leah Dushenski, Head of School; Ms. Karen Holmes, Senior Director, Early Years Program; Mr. Jon Horsnell, Senior Director of Specialist Teams; Ms. Michelle Jones, Elementary Principal; Mr. John Leiner, Director of Enrolment Management; and Ms. Joanne Wynn, Middle School and High School Principal.