General Requirements
Understand eligibility for enrolment
All prospective families are asked to review the general requirements for admission and the supports and services available. CIS has a selective admissions process. We strive to enrol students who will be successful and who will actively participate in the school community.
There are no English language requirements for students applying to the Early Years Program. Students applying to Elementary School, Middle School and High School do require minimum English-language skills, which will be assessed during the enrolment interview. CIS provides specialist English as an Additional Language (EAL) support for students in Senior Kindergarten to Grade 8. Students will exit the EAL Program once they demonstrate grade-level proficiency in the four skill areas: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Enrolment in the EAL Program incurs additional fees.
CIS strives to provide a collection of supports and services designed to maximize the academic success, well-being and sense of belonging of each student. Supports and services include social-emotional counselling, speech language therapy, learning support, and an English as and Additional Language Program. CIS cannot provide specialized or individualized interventions or therapies such as psychological assessments, one-on-one therapies or assistive technologies.
Students must live with a parent or legal guardian while enrolled at CIS.
Prospective families are asked to review our grade placement chart before applying. Grade placement at CIS is based on year of birth. Parents will be expected to accept the school’s decision regarding grade placement.
Parents must be able to meet school fee requirements and pay deposits to confirm their child’s enrolment at CIS on an annual basis. Please see our 2024–2025 Fee Guide prior to applying.
Please contact the Admissions Team for information regarding waiting lists.
CIS will only consider accepting students into Grade 11 or Grade 12 if they have successfully completed Grade 10 or Grade 11, respectively, at a Canadian or American school, or if they are transferring from another accredited IBDP high school program where English is the language of instruction.
Students applying to Grade 11 at CIS will need to demonstrate strong academic performance in their Grade 10 year. For example, depending on the curriculum of the student's current school, a grade of 70% or lower will not be considered strong academic performance.