General Requirements

Enrolment interview

We require prospective students to be assessed for their academic, social and emotional readiness for our learning environment and curricula. Enrolment interviews can be conducted online or in person. 


English as an Additional Language

There are no English language requirements for students applying to the Early Years Program. Students applying to Elementary School, Middle School and High School do require minimum English-language skills, which will be assessed during the application process. CIS provides specialist English as an Additional Language (EAL) support for students in Senior Kindergarten to Grade 8. Students will exit the EAL Program once they demonstrate grade-level proficiency in the four skill areas: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Enrolment in the EAL Program incurs additional fees. There are waiting lists for entry to the EAL Program. 


Learning support

CIS strives to meet a wide range of learning support needs. Numerous kinds of learning supports and services are available; however, CIS cannot provide specialized or individualized interventions and therapies such as psychological assessments, one-on-one therapies and assistive technologies. If your child requires learning support, please contact our Admissions Team before applying:



Students must live with a parent or legal guardian.


Grade placement

Parents must accept the school’s decision regarding grade-level placement. Please review our grade placement chart before applying.


Application fee 

Parents will be required to pay the $250 application fee when they submit their child's online application. The application fee is nonrefundable and nontransferable. 


School fee payments

Parents must be able to meet school fee requirements and pay deposits to confirm their child’s enrolment at CIS on an annual basis.