Health Services

Caring for our students

The Health Services Team provides first aid, supports medical management plans, and manages student medical records. The team collaborates closely with parents, teachers and school leaders to support student health at school.

CIS is committed to providing a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environment that enables each student, including those with medical needs, to meaningfully participate in school and school activities. If a student has a chronic illness or health condition that could result in a life-threatening medical situation, our Health Services Team collaboratively develops and manages the medical management plan.

The Health Services Team provides on-site first aid during the school day and also during evening and weekend sports events and student activities. The team supports health initiatives such as World Mental Health Day, handwashing and hygiene awareness, and Oral Health Awareness Day. The Health Services Team often works with Intercare Hospital to deliver first aid training for staff and to host on-campus vaccination clinics.